Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog Grading

A "C" blog:
  1. Summarizes the article
  2. Answers a straight-forward question the reading discusses
  3. Readable
  4. Standard English/ appropriate blog language
  5. Shows awareness of audience (addresses the class)
  6. Lengthy enough to address and answer the question or prompt

A "B" blog:
  1. Shows understanding of and engagement with the reading
  2. Poses own question from the reading
  3. Provides thoughtful reflection on readings
  4. Clear and coherent
  5. Appropriate register/tone / appropriate blog language
  6. Includes links or resources to other readings when appropriate
  7. Shows awareness of audience (addresses the class).  Encourages conversation with and among the class.

An "A" blog:
  1. Shows understanding of and engagement with reading by connecting it to own knowledge, constructing new meaning/interpretations/questions
  2. Poses own question about the reading and tries to answer it, hopefully encouraging further discussion 
  3. Synthesizes multiple readings when appropriate/necessary
  4. Posts may make connections to previous blog posts and current posts from other students/interacts with other posts
  5. Incorporates images or other forms of media when necessary
  6. Appropriate register/tone / appropriate blog language / individual voice (not formal or academic, yet thoughtful and coherent)
  7. Includes useful links or resources to other readings when appropriate

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