Monday, October 28, 2013

Writing Prompt

An Exploration of the Expository Essay

By now, we have examined various text genres and the influences that both shape the text and transmit messages through these mediums. You will select your own text and topic, composing an expository essay using three secondary sources.

Part One: Pre-writing. 

Pick an article, advertisement, short story, opinion piece, blog post or another approved medium. Begin by spending time actively, critically reading your chosen piece, taking notes, posing questions, and evaluating the author's purpose and intended audience. Then, do a timed, ten minute free-write, brainstorm, or outline.


Part Two: Collaboration, Critique and Composition

Bring your pre-writing assignment to class. We will discuss in small groups and I will conference individually. Be prepared to explain what drew you to the text, the major concerns you will consider including in your composition, and what (or where) your sources will be. The goal of this activity is to provide a sounding board for your classmates. Remember, the better you listen and discuss, the more insightful and helpful the activity may be when it is time for you to write.


Part Three: Research and Writing

After our class visit to the library, finish gathering your sources and write your draft. Bring a completed first draft in MLA format to class. We will collaborate as partners and in small groups to workshop your drafts.


Part Four: Revision and Reflection

Finish revising your draft based on peer and teacher feedback. Once you feel that your essay has been revised, make sure to edit the sentence-level issues (grammar and spelling). Write a reflective response to the writing process, discussing any struggles, concerns, insights you may have come across during the composition process.

The Final Draft, including all parts of this prompt, are due on______________.

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